Monday, March 16, 2009

Gabe got a Celtics jersey from his friend. It's a little big still.
Sunday we put Dad to work to hang up some swings. Leila had fun.

The girls put Mom to work painting toes.

Dad working hard.

Daph had a school program with her fellow 3rd graders and they sang some tunes with some actions.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

He pulled it out at school. He was so proud.

No longer a boy. Soon he'll be a man.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Enjoying our Saturday morning Monkey Bread.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Who wears short shorts?
McDonalds and the Park... Does it get any better?
On the Shores of the Great Pacific
Gabe FINALLY lost his front tooth!

Trying not to get wet.

Aquarium Smiles

Annual pic under the fish bubble

A lion fountain!! Just like the old one in Brainerd. What are the odds.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Leila getting a ride from Grandpa Rich.

Fun in the snow.

Daph resting with Kinsey.

All this fun after a night of no sleep. Not the first thing I would want to do.
All the cuzzez dressed up in matching p.j.'s

A little pink puff.

Fun time at MOA.

Pink eye strikes again! This time it really is pink.