Saturday, August 25, 2007

I've always wanted a palm tree and now there is a baby one in our back yard.

First day of school.

Since the kids were in school we decided to clean out the garage. Leila got a little dirty.

Leila decided to pick up my razor and cut herself on purpose. She knew it would give her an owie but she wanted to see for herself. She hasn't stopped crying about it all day. I think we have changed her band-aid about 6 times. Good thing grandma bought "Pablo" band-aids.

Gabe got his very first mouth guard for flag football. He was so proud. He kept getting drool all over and then he would tell us it was just water not drool.

Monday, August 6, 2007

We celebrated Daphne's birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese and then came home and opened presents. We will have a big party with friends later.

John and his Friend Tim packing up the trailer on moving day.

Leila at her swim party.

This is Layla, Chloe and Leila. Her baby friends.

Leila is testing out gabe's handcuffs.

Leila and John had a birthday party together.

Leila was happy because she got 3 pairs of shoes and lots of backyardagains gear.

She invited her baby friends over and they had a pool party.

New Shoes!

Playing with Poo.

Sorry it took sooo long to get new pictures up but we've been a little busy. This is John and Leila in our new kitchen. The computer will be moved soon.

This is Gabes room

Daphne and Leilas room. Leila is in a big girl bed now. She has some cool backyardagains bedding.

Here is the living room area. We will have some stuff in it eventually.

Leila and Daph are testing out the new bathtub