Friday, June 29, 2007

Leila got some Burts Bees Buttermilk Baby wash for her Birthday so we had to try it out.

She has her new night gown on. They have been watching Backyardagains all night and now their eating popcorn for dinner so I think they've had a pretty good day.

Leila and the Birthday Girl.

Our fun trip was to go to Target and let Leila pick out some gifts. We will have a part once dad gets home. She picked out a baby panda and a baby. They bot make noises and you can feed them a bottle.

We talked on the phone with both Grandmas and opened gifts from them and from Noelle.

Leila would not put on her crown. Not even for a picture so Gabe wore the Birthday girl crown.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Leila loves to play baby but most of the time she is the baby. She calls her pacifier her "baby"

I think shes a little big for this highchair.

Daph and Gabe love cleaning things with a sponge so I gave them a bucket of pine-sol and two sponges and told them to clean it all. We'll see how it turns out.

Leila was trying to reach the last purple sponge on the counter to help but I think she would just suck all the pine-sol out of it. Maybe when she's a little older she'll get to scrub the bathroom floor.

Today the kids played out in the pool and had cookie dough ice cream for a snack.

We showed Leila how to drink it out of the bowl.

Friday, June 22, 2007

You can kinda see John and the kids walking under the waterfall.

There they are in the balloons

On the choo choo.

Aren't they cute.
A little out of focus but you can tell who it is. Gabe would only ride the baby rides

Dad and the kids getting lost in the maze.

Snack time.

Our first trip to Gilroy Gardens (formerly Bonfante Gardens) thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Langer.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Daphne's School Birthday

The birthday girl gets to spin in the chair 7 times for 7 years old. At the end of the year each summer birthday gets a day to celebrate.

That's her teacher Ms. Henry

She picked donuts and capri-sun to bring.

the pool

Sorry about that. I don't know how to rotate yet.

the tooth