Sunday, April 29, 2007

John and the kids played tag.

Gabe and Leila rode the bike while Daphne pushed them in circles.

Today was a nice hot day and we had fun running in the sprinklers.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Leila got into my lipstick. She loves my make-up. If she's ever quiet I know where to find her.

We had a tea party with real tea and peeps.
We had to have our pinky's up.

Leila has a new pout face. It's pretty cute. She can stick her lip out pretty far.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Easter bunny brought Gabe a Spiderman puzzle.
Daph got some new shoes
Leila got a Pablo
Gabe and his friend Christain at the Giant Easter Egg hunt.

Leila all dressed up for church
Daph all dressed up for church.
Leila after she found her Easter basket in the morning.

We had some Easter fun. We decorated eggs. I finally learned how to hard boil and egg.
John and Gabe having fun in the back yard.
Gabe collecting eggs at the giant egg hunt.