Sunday, February 25, 2007

Daphne is the head. Gabe and Leila think it's pretty funny.
Gabe at the beach.
Daph at the beach. It was pretty windy.
Gabe had to show me some cool sand.

It was a cold day but we still had fun at the beach.
Daphne is a big egg.

Emelia came to visit this week and they had lots of fun. They had a tea party with an easy bake oven cake with milk and cookies.
We all went to the aquarium one day. Leila had a good time playing in the water with daddy.
Gabe took her to go swim with the fish.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Daphne and Leila have been playing "babies" a lot, but Leila always ends up being the baby.
Leila got some new very cool leg warmers.
Daphne playing dress up.

It's February.

Leila had lots of fun.

Today we decided to do some yard work and we ended up having a water fight.